3rd year of medical school done! Testimony!

3 min readJun 9, 2024


Photo by Eden Constantino on Unsplash

First, I just want to recognize how selfish and disobedient I have been by waiting almost 2 months to come and give, my testimony of completing 3rd year of medical school. Something I had been crying and begging God for since I started in 2022 had finally happened and it took me this long to come and give thanks? I am ashamed and I apologize to God and everyone else reading.

Internal medicine was my last exam, and while I was taking it, it didn’t feel great at all, I even started tearing up during the exam and I didn’t finish all my questions so it TRULY was a miracle that I passed the exam when the results were out about a week later. When I saw it I screamed, ran around my apartment, told my roommates, called family; all in all I was truly happy and grateful to finally be in 4th year AKA Final year after all the pain from exams for about 2 years at that point.

I pray that this has given you encouragement in whatever you’re going through, academic or not. Worry not , you’ve got this because God’s got you!

SONG OF THE POST: Open arms (Hallelujah) by gavn!


Hey! I’m not sure if you are Christian or not and you just stumbled on this post, but if you’re not, and you feel led to give your life to Christ, you can pray the following and believe in your heart that the Lord has heard and answered you and you’ll be part of the Christian family :) (it’s pretty cool over here honestly 😎)


Dear God, I know that I’m a sinner and I need a Savior. I want to turn away from my sinful life to the life You have planned for me. Please forgive me my sins. Cleanse me of my past, make me new. I know Your Son, Jesus Christ died for me. I believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead. At this very moment, I accept, confess, and proclaim Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior…to live in my heart from this day forward. Thank you Jesus for Your grace that has saved me from my sins and has given me eternal life. Please send Your Holy Spirit to guide me, and to help me do Your will for the rest of my life, in Jesus’ name Amen.

❤️Rejoice, for Heaven has gotten another one (Luke 15:7)❤️




This is my online journal. Where I share faith, journey through medical school and medicine as a whole, love for business and much more.